welcome to creekside kidz |

Nursery-5th grade

creekside kidz sunday experience

sundays at 9:00am & 10:30am

Our Sunday morning experience is designed for children of all ages. Our team is focused on creating a safe, fun, and engaging environment for your child. When you arrive you will check in at our Children's Check-in and escort your child to their classroom where you will be met by a team member who is excited to welcome your child. During service your child will have the chance to engage in singing, dancing, playing, creating, and learning truths about who Jesus is in their lives.


    Creekside’s Nursery & Toddler area is a place where infants and toddlers explore, play and grow in a safe and nurturing environment. Children at this age need lots of physical care. We attend to those needs as you worship. We also give these children endless amounts of love, trust, security and affection. We want them to know that they are God’s children and are loved and protected here.  Each child is given a security number and if you are needed they will send you a text while you are in service through our secure check-in software.


    Creekside's preschool program is geared towards helping each child develop their moral and biblical foundation along with their fine and gross motor skills in a fun and safe environment. The teachers share in singing, drama, teaching, crafts, snacks, and play time with other friends.

  • Grade school (K - 5th grade)

    Creekside's K-5th experience is designed to engage your child in the stories of the Bible. Each child will have the opportunity to participate in storytelling, activities, crafts, and small groups that all highlight an important truth from God's word. Each Sunday service is tailored to plant seeds in the hearts of children that will be watered as they participate in events, connect with leaders, and build friendships with other kids. 

Upcoming Children's Events

  • KidZ Club | Wednesday Nights

    Kidz Club is for kindergarten through 5th grade kids and brings all the fun, friends, and faith-based teaching you get on a Sunday morning to a Wednesday night. With exciting new additions like experiments, special guests, theme nights and so much more, this is a club you want to be in! This fun opportunity to connect with families midweek provides an additional avenue for students to form healthy Christian friendships to last a lifetime, learn how to apply biblical principles to everyday situations, memorize Scripture they have studied, and develop life skills in a safe and fun environment. Grab a couple of your friends and join us on Wednesdays at 6:00 p.m.

  • CKz Winter wonderland | January 24 | Sign up here

    Spring is coming but we still have a lot of winter left so let's make the most of it together! Inviting all of our K-5th grade friends to join us January 24 from 6-9 p.m. for an evening of  fun where we will warm up from the winter chill with a dance party, a full snack shack, and of course we want you to wear your PJs. You'll be back in school so invite a classmate or your bestie to join the chat and let's have a party in CKz Winter Wonderland! Cost is $25.

  • CkZ at the cinema | February 4 | Sign up here

    A favorite kids book has come to life and we want to watch it all with you! The WHOLE FAMILY is invited to CKz at the Cinema in Pleasant Hill as we see Dog Man at Cinemark. Tuesday night is discount movie night so we hope to see you, the kids, and their friends for a night on the town. You can meet at the movies at 5 PM or catch an early dinner with Pastor Christina at FIVE GUYS at 4 PM. It’s gonna be such a fun night and we hope we get to spend it with you! Snag your ticket before Friday, January 31st because seats are limited

  • Family Huddle for CKZ Little's | February 22 | sign up here

    This is a super special afternoon for a super special group of CKz friends! We invite all of our LITTLEZ (preschoolers) and their families (parents, grandparents, and caregivers) to join us for a lunch play date with a twist from 11:30 AM-1:30 PM. We will start the afternoon at  with lunch together and time in the backyard, but then we will leave the kiddos with our CKz Team while the adults meet with Pastor Christina in for a little check-in. Can't wait to spend part of our day with CKz Littlez and the awesome adults that get to raise them!

  • Child dedications | February 23 | Sign Up Here

    Child Dedications are a special and symbolic moment for parents to commit to model what following Jesus looks like and to raise their children to understand that the gospel changes everything…including them! If you are interested in dedicating your child, please sign up and Pastor Christina will contact you to go over the details and confirm the service time you prefer.