creekside staff & leadership

The staff and leadership here at Creekside is comprised of men and women who love, care and pray for every single person in the church. If you have questions for any of our staff, feel free to reach out and email them or call our church office to speak with them.

  • George Willis Lead Pastor roundedemail

    Pastor George (or PG) is honored to serve as Lead Pastor at Creekside, a place that has always felt like home. He first joined the Creekside team in 2001 as Youth and Worship Pastor before stepping out to plant Generations Church in 2011. After a decade of leadership there, God made it clear—Creekside was calling him back. His passion for this church family, the local community, and leading people in worship and the Word remains stronger than ever.

    Married to his wife, Kristen, since 1997, they are proud parents of their daughter, Madison, who is married to Eleazar. They are now enjoying their newest and greatest title—Papa and Lala—to their grandson, Mateo. When he’s not “pastoring", you’ll likely find Pastor George on the golf course, bombing down a mountain bike trail, or soaking in the beauty of Lake Tahoe—his favorite place to ride, which he calls “God’s very own backyard.” He’s also on a never-ending quest for incredible food, a bold cup of dark roast coffee, and a box of See’s Nuts & Chews

  • Jesse Rosette Youth Pastor  roundedemail

    Jesse moved from Bend, OR to Martinez to be a part of the Creekside Church team in March 2021. Jesse has been married to his wonderful wife, Brooke, since 2018. He is passionate about his relationship with Christ and desires to see others know Him too. Jesse has a love for music and this is what God used to get him into ministry. He has been serving in youth ministry since 2017. Jesse discovered God’s purpose for his life through youth group and this is why he has such joy in partnering with and discipling the youth. Jesse likes coffee, movies, good food and good books. In his off time, he loves being outdoors with his wife and with friends.

  • Christina waldo children's pastor roundedemail

    Christina Waldo was born and raised in Martinez and moved back to the Bay Area in 2020 after spending almost ten years working and serving in youth ministry in both Oregon and Iowa. She and husband Jacob have been married since 2014 and have dedicated themselves to the spiritual growth and development of the next generation. Christina’s biggest desire is to see children and their families enter into a real and personal relationship with the living God; creating a true family ministry, not just another Sunday school experience. In her time off, you can find Christina at the plant store, a great coffee shop, or out enjoying all that nature has to offer.

  • monique thompson campus administratoR/Director of Ministries roundedemail

    Monique joined the Creekside staff in 2008. Through a series of “Only God” happenings, it was clear to her that God was leading her into full-time ministry after working in the secular business field for over 19 years. She brings a passion to help move the mission forward by leading with strong administrative skills, organization, and planning. She is best known around Creekside as “Mo” or the “Go get em’ gal” She oversees all of the church and campus administration, as well as supports all ministries and events here at Creekside. She has a huge heart to see people connect with Christ and others and enjoys leading the women’s small groups here at Creekside. She feels blessed to be a part of the Creekside family and for the incredible people she serves alongside each day! 

  • Laurie butler Administrative support roundedemail

    Returning to Martinez and Creekside Church in 2012 has given Laurie more time to spend with extended family, especially grand-nieces & nephews. Laurie has been involved in small group ministry, facilitating women's Creekside Groups. She likes photography, upcycle crafting, studying the Bible and memorizing scripture. She is always on the hunt for the best burgers and new succulent plants for her potted garden.

    "and to make it your ambition to lead a quiet life; You should mind your own business and work with your hands, just as we told you, so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody."

    1 Thessalonians 4:11-12

  • Ryan imwalle celebrate recovery pastor roundedemail

    Ryan is  a dedicated recovery pastor who completed Discover Ministry School in response to God's calling. Passionate about guiding people closer to God, he helps individuals find healing from their hurts, habits, and hang-ups. Ryan has been married to his wife, Harmonee, since 2013, and they have two wonderful daughters, Lilee and Leila. He loves playing softball, camping, watching movies, and spending quality time with family and friends. Ryan also prioritizes time with Jesus to recharge and grow in his faith, ensuring he remains spiritually grounded as he serves others.

    He holds onto 1 Peter 2:9-10  a foundational scripture, embracing his identity as part of God's chosen people, called out of darkness into His wonderful light.

  • Jacob Waldo youth pastor (Jr.high) roundedemail

    Jacob, originally from Boone, Iowa, made the move to the Bay Area in 2020. He has been brilliantly married to the best wife ever, Christina, since 2014. Jacob felt called to youth ministry in 2009 during summer church camp, which led him to pursue a Bachelor’s degree in Pastoral Studies. His passion for working with students and his heart is to see all young people come to know Jesus knows no bounds. Helping students wrestle with the vital questions: “Who does God say I am?” and “Who do I say God is?” is his main ministry goal. 

    In his free time, Jacob enjoys playing video games, watching movies and TV shows, diving into fantasy and adventure novels, exploring new board games, and coaching and playing the best sport known to man—soccer.