WElcome to CYC 180 | Jr. & Sr. High
Student Ministry

Creekside Youth Church is a community of Jr. High and High School students at Creekside Church.  Our hope is that each student will come to LOVE God, INVEST in others, FOLLOW Jesus and ENGAGE in their talents and abilities.

Join us at Creekside Wednesday Nights at 6:00PM

Upcoming Youth Events

  • youth for life | September 14 | REGISTER HERE

    We are partnering with an organization called Love Life for a prayer walk in mid-September. We are meeting with other youth groups in our area in Walnut Creek to pray together, hear testimonies, and worship together. Then, we will walk together to Planned Parenthood a few blocks away, all the while, praying. From across the street, we will pray and then walk back to our starting point peacefully and prayerfully. All CYC Students and their families are invited to attend with us. This is not a protest, simply an opportunity to exercise our faith, love, and care muscles. Sign up to let us know you’re coming!

  • CYC at paddock bowl | September 21 | sign up here

    Our CYC High School Students are going bowling at Paddock Bowl in Pacheco on Saturday, September 21 from 1-3 PM! We have our lanes already reserved. And for $17, our students get their shoes, bowling balls, their reserved lane, and as many games as they can fit into 2 hours. We want our students to invite their friends to come and have fun with the CYC team. We’ll see you on the lanes!

  • cyc jR HIGH mINI GOLF | September 29 | SIGN UP HERE

    The CYC 180 Jr. High students are headed to Putters Mini Golf on Sunday, September 29 from 12:00-2:00PM. Drop off your students at the Downtown Martinez Plaza by Starbucks. We're eating lunch at Rob Zombies, and then walking over to Putters. Send your students with about $20 for lunch and $10 for their game. We’ll meet back in the Plaza once we’re done!


CYC Jr & Sr High Youth Group | Wednesday Nights | 6:00PM

Join us Wednesday nights at 6pm for a great message, games, discussion and community.

OOW Groups (Outside of Wednesday) Jr. High Small Groups | Contact: jowenwaldo@gmail.com

CYC Jr. High Girls Group | 2nd and 4th Thursdays, 6-8 PM

 Wednesday night just isn’t enough! Grow in community with others and in relationship with God. Brooke Rosette's small group meet’s the 2nd and 4th Thursdays every month at Valenzuela's House in Martinez.

CYC Jr. High Girls Group | 2nd & 4th Fridays, 6-8 PM

Wednesday night just isn’t enough! Grow in community with others and in relationship with God. Allison Snyder’s small group meet’s the 1st and 3rd Thursdays every month at Creekside Church.

CYC Jr. High Boys Group | 2nd and 4th Friday’s, 6-8 PM

Wednesday night just isn’t enough! Grow in community with others and in relationship with God. Xander Lavrischeff’s small group meets the 2nd and 4th Fridays every month at Creekside Church.

CYC Jr. High Boys Group | 2nd and 4th Sunday's, 1-2:30 PM

Wednesday night just isn’t enough! Grow in community with others and in relationship with God. Collin Filippini's small group meets the 2nd and 4th Sunday every month at Hansken Home in Martinez.

Join our Student Teams

At CYC our hope is that every student that comes to CYC would come to love God, invest in others, follow Jesus and engage in their talents and abilities. 

If you are a student in 6th-12th grade that is interested in joining our CYC serving team on Wednesday night

Click this link to apply to serve.