WElcome to CYC 180 | Jr. & Sr. High
Student Ministry

Creekside Youth Church is a community of Jr. High and High School students at Creekside Church.  Our hope is that each student will come to LOVE God, INVEST in others, FOLLOW Jesus and ENGAGE in their talents and abilities.

Join us at Creekside Wednesday Nights at 6:00PM

Upcoming Youth Events

  • Nor Cal Youth wORSHIP nIGHT | February 16

    Creekside is hosting a Youth Worship Night on Sunday, February 16 from 5:30-7:15 PM here at Creekside! Join us for a great night of fellowship, free food, and praising God. All of our camp friends will be there! Make sure you invite your friends to enjoy the night with us. We can’t wait to worship with you!


CYC Jr & Sr High Youth Group | Wednesday Nights | 6:00PM

Join us Wednesday nights at 6pm for a great message, games, discussion and community.

OOW Groups (Outside of Wednesday) Jr. High Small Groups | Contact: jowenwaldo@gmail.com

CYC Jr. High Girls Group | 2nd and 4th Thursdays, 6-8 PM

 Wednesday night just isn’t enough! Grow in community with others and in relationship with God. Brooke Rosette's small group meet’s the 2nd and 4th Thursdays every month at Valenzuela's House in Martinez.

CYC Jr. High Girls Group | 2nd & 4th Fridays, 6-8 PM

Wednesday night just isn’t enough! Grow in community with others and in relationship with God. Allison Snyder’s small group meet’s the 1st and 3rd Thursdays every month at Creekside Church.

CYC Jr. High Boys Group | 2nd and 4th Tuesday's 6-8 PM

Wednesday night just isn’t enough! Grow in community with others and in relationship with God. Jacob Waldo & TJ Jackson small group meets the 2nd and 4th Tuesday every month at Creekside Church.

Join our Student Teams

At CYC our hope is that every student that comes to CYC would come to love God, invest in others, follow Jesus and engage in their talents and abilities. 

If you are a student in 6th-12th grade that is interested in joining our CYC serving team on Wednesday night

Click this link to apply to serve.