OOW Groups (Outside of Wednesday) Jr. High Small Groups | Contact: jowenwaldo@gmail.com
CYC Jr. High Girls Group | 2nd and 4th Thursdays, 6-8 PM
night just isn’t enough! Grow in community with others and in
relationship with God. Brooke Rosette's small group meet’s the 2nd and 4th Thursdays every month at Valenzuela's House in Martinez.
CYC Jr. High Girls Group | 2nd & 4th Fridays, 6-8 PM
night just isn’t enough! Grow in community with others and in
relationship with God. Allison Snyder’s small group meet’s the 1st and
3rd Thursdays every month at Creekside Church.
CYC Jr. High Boys Group | 2nd and 4th Friday’s, 6-8 PM
Wednesday night just isn’t enough! Grow in community with others and in relationship with God. Xander Lavrischeff’s small group meets the 2nd and 4th Fridays every month at Creekside Church.
CYC Jr. High Boys Group | 2nd and 4th Sunday's, 1-2:30 PM
night just isn’t enough! Grow in community with others and in
relationship with God. Collin Filippini's small group meets the 2nd
and 4th Sunday every month at Hansken Home in Martinez.