Our Core Values

We Value...

  • Relevant Bible teaching is our foundation.
  • Our community is our motivation.
  • Relationships are our priority.
  • Generosity is our lifestyle.
  • Kindness is our heartbeat.
  • Gratitude is our worship.
  • Servanthood is our standard.
  • Growing leaders is our future.
  • Excellence is our aim.
  • Life change is our normal.


"We teach transformation - not information."

We understand that growth requires a firm rooting of yourself into the soil that is Jesus. Our hope is that we can provide a place where you can be at home. In the process of being part of this place we trust that God will become a familiar voice and that you will find yourself growing in the life, love, and service of the greatest cause on Earth -  HOPE. We want to influence the world by creating disciples of Christ. Then teaching them how to live as he did. 


"To empower all leaders."

One of the fruits of a relationship with Jesus is growth! We endeavor to assist and encourage the kind of growth in ourselves and others that will change the world. We believe that our SENDING capacity will always be more important than our seating capacity and its with diligent hearts we grow in the service of Christ and others. One of the ways we live this is through empowering leaders in our community. Whether secular or religious, government or private, we want to raise the leadership bar of those around us. We also believe highly in being irrationally generous. Not only will we leverage our volunteers for the benefit of the community, we are also committed to give fiscally to our schools, local charities, other churches, global mission field, and people in need! All are invited to join us in this mission. 


"Our sending capacity is more important than our seating capacity." 

Whether it's our Mexico Missions team, resources to missionaries and churches in Cuba, funding for our schools, benevolence to people in need here and abroad, we believe that giving and going are natural reactions to the generosity of JESUS. The previous list is a few of the ways we actively engage in the biblical call to give of ourselves and resources. 

We are also on a mission to continually plant churches. To date we have three existing church plants, and are always looking to continually be launching churches into the mission field to inspire and give hope to the world.