Easter week is one of our favorite times of the year! We're inviting YOU to join us at Creekside for one of our inspirational and hope-filled services where you will be encouraged and your kids will have fun as they learn about Jesus.
PALM SUNDAY, APRIL 13 // 9:00 & 10:30 am
Join us as we honor the triumphal entry of Jesus to Jerusalem and kick off Easter week! Our children's program for kids in Nursery-5th grade will be open and ready to host your kids.
GOOD FRIDAY, APRIL 18 // 7:00-8:00 pm
Good Friday is marked as a day for reflection and prayer as we remember Jesus’ ultimate and sufficient sacrifice for us on the cross. We’d like to invite you to join us as we spend time in worship, share in communion, and remember the price Jesus paid for us. Childcare will be provided for children 4 and under.
Join us for an Easter celebration complete with worship, baptisms, and our full Children's Program for kids in Nursery-5th grade. Following our service, we're hosting an Easter Egg Hunt for kids and offering free lunch for everyone!
EASTER SUNDAY, APRIL 20 // 9:00 & 10:30 am
Join us for an Easter celebration at our normal service times complete with worship, baptisms, and our full children's program in Nursery-5th grade. We're also offering a Continental Breakfast between services as well as Easter gifts for each child.
***Please note that we will only live stream our 9:00 am service on APRIL 20th at live.creekside.org***