Join us for easter week!

Easter week is one of our favorite times of the year! We're inviting YOU to join us at Creekside for one of our inspirational and hope-filled services where you will be encouraged and your kids will have fun as they learn about Jesus.

PALM SUNDAY, APRIL 13 // 9:00 & 10:30 am

Join us as we honor the triumphal entry of Jesus to Jerusalem and kick off Easter week! Our children's program for kids in Nursery-5th grade will be open and ready to host your kids.

GOOD FRIDAY, APRIL 18 // 7:00-8:00 pm

Good Friday is marked as a day for reflection and prayer as we remember Jesus’ ultimate and sufficient sacrifice for us on the cross. We’d like to invite you to join us as we spend time in worship, share in communion, and remember the price Jesus paid for us. Childcare will be provided for children 4 and under.


Join us for an Easter celebration complete with worship, baptisms, and our full  Children's Program for kids in Nursery-5th grade. Following our service, we're hosting an Easter Egg Hunt for kids and offering free lunch for everyone!

EASTER SUNDAY, APRIL 20 // 9:00 & 10:30 am

Join us for an Easter celebration at our normal service times complete with worship, baptisms, and our full children's program in  Nursery-5th grade. We're also offering a Continental Breakfast between services as well as Easter gifts for each child.

***Please note that we will only live stream our 9:00 am service on APRIL 20th at***

Joining us for the first time?

We're excited you're interested in joining us for Easter Week!  We can't wait to meet you and are ready to serve you and your family as you experience Creekside for the first time. Please make sure to stop by Guest Central so we can give you a special gift and get to know you! We will have plenty of our Team Creekside volunteers available around campus to help you but here are a few things we thought you might want to know as you plan your visit.

What time are services?

Our Palm Sunday service is April 13th at 9:00 am & 10:30 am. Friday, April 18th , our Good Friday service will be at 7:00 pm. Easter services are Saturday, April 19th at 10:00 am and Sunday, April 20th at 9:00 am & 10:30 am.

Will your services be available live online?

We will livestream our 9:00am services on April 20th at

What are your Sunday services typically like?

We believe church should be fun, engaging, and inspiring! Our worship team continually strives for excellence and mostly plays current worship songs but we love to throw back to some great hymns from time to time. Our messages are usually topical in nature and they will always be relevant, practical, and engaging. To get an even better picture of what a typical Sunday is like, check out one of our recent services.

Do you have a kids program?

Yes! Creekside Kidz is a fun and engaging opportunity for your children to learn about Jesus and make new friends each week. Our Nursery & Preschool program is open for children aged 4 and under. Our Elementary program is open for children in Kindergarten through 5th grade. Creekside Kidz is hosting a full program for kids on April 13th during both services, on April 19th and 20th during all services. On Friday, April 18th we are offering childcare for children under 4 during our Good Friday service.

My child may feel nervous being away from me. Can I bring them into service with me?

Yes! Children are more than welcome to join us in the main auditorium. We also have a family room available for anyone with a more active little one so you can watch our service and let them play!

What should I wear?

We're pretty casual around here, so come as you are.

Can I bring my coffee in service?

Absolutely! We love coffee so much that on Saturday and Sunday services we will have our café open with freshly brewed coffee, tea, and various snacks for you to enjoy.

Will there be other food?

Yes! On Saturday, April 19th, we will provide a free lunch after service and the egg hunt. On Sunday, April 20th, we will provide a Continental Breakfast between services.

Who is your Pastor?

Check out our staff webpage to learn more about Pastor George and the rest of our staff members.

Have a question we didn't answer?
